Robo War Project

In an exhilarating endeavor, I engineered a formidable robot car, combining cutting-edge technology with intricate mechanics to compete in thrilling robo wars. The robot car's prowess on the battlefield showcased meticulous design and expert programming, making it a formidable force in the intense robo war arena. With a fusion of engineering prowess and strategic acumen, my robot car became a fierce contender, leaving spectators in awe as it fought valiantly in robo wars..

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Racing Car Game

Utilized Java and multithreading to create an exciting racing car project. Designed an object-oriented architecture to model the racing cars' attributes and behavior. Implemented thread synchronization to ensure smooth and fair concurrent execution of the race. Developed a user-friendly GUI for interactive control and real-time updates of the racing simulation.

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Automatic Tic Tac Toe Game

Developed an automatic Tic-Tac-Toe game in Java using algorithmic decision-making. Designed an intelligent AI player that analyzes the game board and makes optimal moves. Implemented user-friendly features for player interactions and real-time game status updates. Created a challenging and enjoyable gaming experience with seamless AI gameplay..

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📚 Academic and Internship Projects 🚀

🌟🚀🌏 Developed innovative academic projects, showcasing my skills in software development and problem-solving. 💻🎨 Gained hands-on experience through diverse internships, including Machine Learning,Data science, Java, Web Development, and Cloud Computing. 🤖🌐☁️ 🥇🥰 Excited to explore new opportunities and contribute my expertise to real-world challenges. Let's create something amazing together! 🤝🎯🔥


The coding of Natural Language Processing (NLP) text preprocessing in Python. It uses NLTK for tokenization, stopword removal, and stemming. The code demonstrates how to perform these tasks on a sample text and provides a basic implementation of Porter stemming algorithm on example words..

Movie Recommendation System

"Developed a Movie Recommendation System using collaborative filtering and content-based filtering in Python. Utilized the MovieLens dataset for training, and created a user-friendly interface with Flask and Firebase integration for real-time chat support."

Finance For Education

MERN-based finance app for education sector with CRUD, MongoDB,authentication, and payment integration.

Integration Chat: Created real time chat Application using and integrated with website

HealthCare Freelance PlatForm

Healthcare Platform Website: Dynamic MERN site with RESTful APIs and MongoDB for efficient platform development.

MongoDB Integration: Secure and scalable data storage in healthcare.

🚀 🚀 My skills! ⭐⭐

⭐️ Python
⭐️ Machine Learning
⭐️ Data Science
⭐️ Artificial Intelligence
⭐️MERN Stack Developer
⭐️ HTML5,BootStrap,JQuery
⭐️ Firebase, RESTful-API's
⭐️ Tailwind CSS, CSS
⭐️ Java (OOP), C#
⭐️ Data Structure and Algorithm
⭐️ Cloud computing
⭐️ Cyber Security